Like many people, I just fell into goats by accident….or maybe Someone had a plan for me. As a small child, we had a pair of tiny kids brought home from a farm auction. They outgrew their “cute” and my parents gave them to someone else. Years later, in 2002, we had an opportunity to caretake a farm, and it included managing a herd of goats. I had always been a farm girl, and I felt I could handle it. We made it through two kidding seasons, and when we left there, the owners gave my daughter a doeling of her very own. She has descendents of that first doe.
Being supportive parents, and enjoying the milk, we bought more goats, bought tons and tons of feed, and helped that little goat herd to grow. Now, 11 years later, I have a small herd of goats of my own, and my own membership and herd name with ADGA.
I have a deep respect and admiration for new friends I have made through this venture, and hope to make more. Many people have already been kind and helpful. I expect to work hard to “earn my spurs!”
We test yearly for CAE, and our herd is tested and G6S normal. Our herd is closed, and we do not plan on bringing in any new stock. We will be expanding our bloodlines via AI.
We are located near Warrensburg, Missouri.
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